What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy is a form of counselling for children who are confronted with social, emotional or behavioural challenges. Children struggle to express their feelings and experiences as they don’t have the same vocabulary, understanding and maturity than that of adults. They are, however, able to express themselves through the language that they know best… play.…

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Love Defined

Article written by Alicia van Vuuren For centuries February has been celebrated as the month of love and romance. This originated when St Valentine continued to perform matrimony ceremonies and defied the law that young soldiers needed to remain single. Today Valentine’s Day, whether we celebrate it or not, reminds us that being and feeling…

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10 Signs That You’re in a Relationship with a Narcissist

Be on the lookout for these, before you get manipulated. “That’s enough of me talking about myself; let’s hear you talk about me” ― Anonymous “It’s not easy being superior to everyone I know.” ― Anonymous Psychologist Stephen Johnson writes that the narcissist is someone who has “buried his true self-expression in response to early injuries and…

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Vrouekeur - 29 Maart 2019 voorblad

Al minder lus vir mense

Beplan jy gereeld om mense oor te nooi vir ‘n braai, maar hoe nader die naweek kom, hoe minder lus raak jy en uiteindelik los jy dit net? ‘n Kwynende sosiale lewe is geen vreemde verskynsel in die middeljare nie, maar hoekom nou so menssku?

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August Vrouekeur cover

Mismoedig na 40

Vir sommige vroue is die jare ná hule 40ste verjaarsdag heerlik bevrydend, maar nie almal is so gelukkig nie. Vir baie kom die besef dat meer as die helfte van hul lewe verby is, saam met vrae oor hul drome wat verdwyn het in die oorlewingstryd van ‘n daaglikse bestaan.

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